英倫毛呢料西裝:兩色( 灰色/ 咖啡)灰色已完售
剪裁精湛.經典的單排扣,注重細節.合身舒適的肩線、修身的腰身可以打造出優雅而紳士的整體造型.手感柔軟舒適,具有良好的保暖性和透氣性.面料的紋理多為經典的人字紋,彰顯男士的品味和格調 !
美國 Brya 175cm /65kg. /L / 肌肉結實 精壯
台灣 Mistamush『鬍子先生』 175cm /70kg. /L / 中年大叔 啤酒
法國 Enzouz 188cm /75kg. /XL / 肌肉精實 高壯
官方IG私訊詢問:voyou chic
Elegant Wear
British suits can be paired with shirts, ties, and leather shoes to create a formal gentlemanly look. They can also be paired with casual shirts and sneakers for a relaxed and stylish look.
British suits are a must-have classic piece in every man's wardrobe. Whether you are attending a formal event or wearing it daily, British tweed suits can add an elegant and gentlemanly touch to your look.
Bryan from the USA – 175cm/65kg/L – Muscular and Fit
Mistamush from Taiwan – 175cm/70kg/L – Middle-aged, beer belly
Enzouz from France – 188cm /75kg. /XL /Muscular and Fit
If you have any questions about sizes or general information, please feel free to ask in the comments or send us a private message. We're here to assist you!"
IG:voyou chic
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